Hana Michels is me and is having to write about myself in third person right now. She has been written up in the LA Times, LA Weekly and others. She received her life coaching certification from the Wainwright Global Coaching Institute. She has also been trained in The Tools methodology & techniques (recently featured in the Netflix documentary Stutz) by Barry Michels, co-author of The Tools and Coming Alive, whom she can’t pretend is not her father because they share a last name. She knows how hard it is to form and keep habits and is here for anyone who needs to do so. She works hard to help clients with whatever they wish to address, including
Overall discipline and organization, talking through creative ideas and/or help bringing specific projects to fruition, overall mood and emotional regulation, finding your own personal answers to key life decisions, mindfulness techniques, enduring life’s transitions or difficulties, rekindling passion for a creative practice, communication between couples, communication between work partners, adapting personalizing and fitting a tools practice into your life, adapting personalizing and fitting a shadow work practice into your life, combating part x (also part of The Tools methodology,) weird family stuff, normal but still difficult family stuff, accountability and help when trying to establish new habits, accountability and help when trying to replace or eliminate old habits and more!
Whew, that was a lot!
Can I write in first person now? I am a firm believer in the fact that every client is different and I need to approach people as such. I take feedback very seriously and try my best to address a client’s needs in a way that makes sense for them personally. Many people come to me (or to life coaching in general,) because they have been through the talk therapy wringer, they already know why they engage in certain behaviors or habits but have yet to receive effective help addressing these things here and now. If you begin seeing me, the first few appointments may feel like I’m throwing a bunch of stuff at a metaphorical wall and seeing what sticks. That’s because I’m throwing a bunch of stuff at a metaphorical wall and seeing what sticks, based upon what you want to address, how you learn and what you know about yourself. This way, my coaching can make an immediate (or near immediate) impact. Together, we will find practical practices and solutions you feel are truly effective and sustainable.

“Wow, this actually helped me a lot! I’m surprised!”
— Frequently received backhanded compliment